24 Hour Courier Service

Showing category "Business Courier" (Show all posts)

Transporting Dangerous Goods

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, In : Business Courier 
Every year, millions of parcels are sent within the UK and to destinations all over the world. While many packages are completely innocuous, a proportion have the potential to pose a health and safety risk and have security implications.

There are certain goods that people would identify immediately as being a potentially dangerous and it wouldn't come as a surprise to find them on a prohibited list. Guns, human remains, meat, living creatures and explosive materials are all likely candidates ...

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Business Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, In : Business Courier 
Warrington Business Couriers. Most businesses over the years have made significant progress in the manner they are dealing with their internal processes and that has helped them to meet competitive pressures successfully. Advancements in technology and the emergence of many service oriented businesses like banks, courier services, insurance services and many others have helped other businesses grow by providing the much needed support.

In this regard, the courier business has really progressed...

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Courier for your business

Posted by Mark Trott on Friday, October 19, 2018, In : Business Courier 
Before the industrial era, a courier was either a rider on horseback, a foot runner or a pigeon. These methods of sending messages to far-away places proved efficient but often timely, especially if the message was being sent to a capital city or to another country.

The delivery people of today no longer require pigeons, ride horseback or run great distances to deliver much-needed messages. Today's courier is usually in a well-designed and efficient business that consists of a variety of skill...
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