24 Hour Courier Service

Merseyside Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Under: Motorbike Couriers
Merseyside Couriers. For the average courier driver, expanding and developing the business can be a tough proposition. Work can difficult to find and the reputation of those people you are working with is not always guaranteed. You may be out on the road a lot and have limited time to spend actually sourcing jobs and finding new contacts, or you may feel like you're stuck with routine jobs that are helping the business stay afloat but not necessarily giving you the tools to grow the business. If this sounds like you and you want to move forward in your industry, read on.

The Courier Exchange Idea

Merseyside Couriers. A courier exchange is an online service that aims to put jobs and courier drivers in touch. Once registered, the courier driver is notified of suitable jobs and, likewise, once registered, companies requiring couriers are notified of suitable drivers. The program is designed so that jobs and drivers are matched according to their time constraints, load carrying capacity and other relevant details. So, in effect, the program aims to do the hard work for you.

Advantages Of a Courier Exchange

The biggest advantage of joining such a program is the contacts that are made. Every year hundreds of new members join and doors are opened for all companies, no matter how big or small. Companies are vetted when joining and a feedback forum gives everyone the chance to comment about performance and reliability. The accreditation is strict, so you can rest assured that anyone you are put in touch with will be both reliable and reputable.

The second main advantage is the way the exchange helps to maximise your work efficiency. Dead mileage can be much reduced and half loads can be made up to full loads, simply by posting your information on the system. Return journeys can be made profitable and, by staying in touch with other potential work, your drivers can plan their days more efficiently.

How to Get Involved

The registration process is very simple and requires no more than a comprehensive profile. The more details you can give on your profile, the more chance you have of being matched to relevant jobs. Details about your vehicle size, capacity and your availability are absolutely essential, and once registered you just need to keep updating the information as it changes. Documentation, including insurance and other licences, is also required as proof of your ability to work. The system then works for you, linking you with potential jobs and linking potential jobs with you.

Once you have found a job that you want to take on, it is up to you to negotiate prices and job specifics before finalising acceptance of the job. On completion, the exchange raises the invoice and everything is completed neatly and with minimum effort. For the courier driver, this program could not be more user-friendly. If you let it work for you, you will find that your business will go from strength to strength in no time at all.

Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world's largest neutral trading hub for same day courier driver jobs in the express freight exchange industry. Over 2,500 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading courier jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.

In : Motorbike Couriers 

Tags: merseyside motorcycle couriers   


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