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Showing Tag: "motorbikes warrington" (Show all posts)

Buying your first motorcycle

Posted by Victoria Harris on Sunday, March 17, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Buying your first motorbike needn't be as big an expense as you think, but it does cost money - and that's why it's important to make sure you're doing everything right so you don't invoke both wasted money and disappointment.

Planning to buy your first bike is an exciting experience that you will look back fondly on as your years as a biker increases. You may even have the same bike when you're thinking back on these times, but you could also have switched to a new one - in any case, your fir...

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Basic motorbike controls

Posted by Chad Walker on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Motorbike Riding Skills 
The first thing you need to find out before you even learn how to ride a motorcycle is whether or not you will actually enjoy riding. Many people who think riding a motorcycle will be fun soon learn that it is not for them. This is because riding motorcycles can be very unsettling for many people who are used to having a car surrounding them. Motorcycles leave riders very vulnerable to other vehicles so just keep that in mind.

The first step would be to take a Motorcycle Foundation Safety Cour...

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